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The Top Tips from successful Entrepreneurs to Engage in Every Day

1. Eat Breakfast
To start your day in the best possible way, eating a breakfast high in protein and low GI carbohydrates will ensure your metabolism is fired up and you have enough fuel to work at your peak performance.

2. Plan your day
The best and most efficient way to manage your day is to look at your calendar first thing in the morning and make lists of the tasks you need to complete in the day. Prioritise those that are most important, and allocate time to each task to keep yourself on track.

3. Don’t check your emails straight away
This is a trap many people fall into when first sitting down at their desk and it can often get to 10am before you are ready to start your tasks for the day. Instead, complete those main tasks that deserve priority (or at least one of them), and then get on with your emails. You will feel much more productive and accomplished.

4. Remember your purpose
Take a few moment’s at the start of each working week to remember the company’s goals. We often get so caught up in the mundane tasks of our day that we lose sight of the goals and the big picture.

5. Single-task
Although the ability to multi-task is highly valued in today’s fast-paced world, it can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and find that we neglect giving our 100% attention and effort to one task and doing it really well. To be really effective, it is best to focus on one task at a time.

6. Visualise
If you close your eyes and envision your success, you can imagine what it will feel like to achieve your goals. Visualisation is very powerful in helping to keep you on track for reaching your goals and can help to keep your aspirations at front of mind. For example, if you want to complete a marathon at the end of the year, visualise what it will feel like, what it will taste like, and truly picture yourself completing that marathon.

7. Say no
Time is our most precious and valuable commodity so be very selective about what you agree to do. Ensure what you say ‘yes’ to aligns with your values, goals, and objectives.

8. Value your time
Guars your time and spend it doing the most valuable and important things for you and the business. Avoid distractions whenever possible, and make sure you invest time in your relationships with peers and colleagues. They will remember you for the time you made to get to know them and for who you were being.

9. Delegate
When you become overwhelmed with work, hire someone to help out or ask a colleague for their assistance.

10. Listen
Be present when you speak with a friend or colleague. Don’t think about what you will be cooking for dinner when talking to them. Being present ensures we are taking the time to fully understand what the other person is saying.

11. Show gratitude
Make a daily habit to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for – your family, your partner, your friends, your job, your pets. Simply reminding yourself of these will keep you focused, present, and productive.

12. Stand up and move around
Did you know that sitting down for long periods at a time is very bad for our health? Try to stretch and walk around every 20 minutes to ensure you are getting the blood flowing which will increase alertness and productivity throughout the day. It’s good for your body and mind.

13. Breathe deeply
Many of us take very shallow breaths which isn’t good for our health. Take the time whilst sitting at your desk to engage in 10 deep breaths. The oxygen will help to reinvigorate you for your next task.

14. Take a lunch break
Get away from your desk and eat somewhere else. Many of fall into the trap of working through our lunch break and getting caught up in work tasks when we are supposed to be fuelling our bodies. Step outside on a sunny day and sit in the park to take in the rays of sunshine!

15. Clear your desk
At the end of each day, clear all the clutter from your desk and when you walk in the next morning, it will provide you with a clean slate and you will not get bogged down in the work from the day before.

If you are interested to learn more from Jacqueline Whitmore, Author, and Etiquette Expert, please click the following link